Banish the phantom of COVID19 with digital as your business strategy
For any business or individual, entering the world of digitally as a business strategy can at first be overwhelming. Especially now as we realize that the crisis that plagued the last year is not going away as quickly as we expected.
As the year 2021 kicks into its stride, we’re at that point where we all want to shake off the remnants of the crisis and get cracking again, especially business wise.
How are you doing this? Are you sitting and licking your business wounds? Or are you pushing even harder to get back those clients and get new customers with newer and fresher strategies?
How long will the ghost of COVID19 linger?
Realistically speaking though, the phantom of the pandemic will probably hang around for quite a while and most customers will remain cautious and careful about what and where they make purchase. Rightfully so.
What remains is that it is and will become even more impossible for any business to start, survive or thrive without being online is some way or form.
Yes, although comparing the pandemic to ghouls and apparitions may be an unconventional example but the principle behind the idea of ghosts is the same one that applies to the situation COVID19 has left the world in.
Let’s check the similarities between COVID19 and a so called ‘ghost’ siting
Both are surreal situations almost no one alive has ever encountered, but have mostly only ever heard of
Both are extremely scary, stressful and in some cases dangerous occurrences
Both apparently need certain steps to banish the effect they have on the living for life to go on.
But what’s the best way to get rid of a ghost anyway?
Well, when it comes to banishing ghosts, according to one New York Times article, the best way experts recommend is….believe it or not is COMMUNICATION! Read it here.
The suggestion here is that these ‘ghost busters’ usually just try to find out what the ghost wants so that you can either get it to move on or accommodate it and find a way to live with it without it disturbing the living.
The article quotes Bonnie Vent, the author of a book called ‘Is My House Haunted?’ A Practical Guide. “There are people who will take advantage of others by using holy water, burning sage and spreading salt around the perimeter of the house. Spirit people are people — these things have no effect in the long term. You really have to get to the root cause.”
“What does work? Communication!!!” writes Ms Vent, “This does not necessarily mean that they will leave, but you at least should be able to work out a liveable situation.”
So let’s say COVID19 is our real live example of a big, scary, evil phantom that has occupied the world. Is it’s being here really the ‘root cause’ of our businesses closing? And can we really ‘get rid’ of it in its entirety? The answer to both is probably not.
Then what happens the next time another big COVID-like ‘ghost’ is in town?
Clearly we need to make sure we are better prepared in the event that another global, economy-crippling disaster befalls us. Instead of wishing COVID would go way, like a ‘ghost’ that has been properly ‘busted’, maybe we need to be looking at ways in which to adjust to and accommodate this new pestilence.
From a health point of view, what makes more sense of course is to continue following those steps recommended to keep ourselves safe physically and of course the medical sector is hard at work to find a vaccine. Read More here
But from a business strategy stand point, practical steps also need to be taken to provide our living resources, our staff/employees, with adequate backing so that the business can be functional at every station, whether an employee is physically not at work, when they fall sick or when long-term regulations force the office to close.
There is no quick fix, but there are steps to take to get on the right track.
Steps every re-emerging business strategy should have right now
- Search for experienced digital strategists– don’t just ‘Google’ solutions. A real digital strategist, will seek to show you what’s missing from your business, how you can get it and with ROI as a measure.
- Avoid simply using ‘popular platforms’- the truth is although some platforms are used by many people, there are some businesses that don’t benefit from simply running the usual Facebook campaign or running a Google Ad. Your digital strategist should tell you what works for YOU, it may even be Tumblr or Pinterest.
- Use customised tactics– with digital there’s no ‘one-size fits all’. Your strategist should be able to use specific channels and campaigns to solve specific problems within your budget. Maybe your solution isn’t social advertising alone but rather a suitable CRM platform to go with it to monitor your workforce and allow your team to work better from anywhere, anytime.
- Get all-round digital solutions-keep in mind all the facets of your business strategy work together, public relations, media planning, product pricing and distribution, sales strategy, customer support, market research, and community involvement are all parts of comprehensive marketing efforts.
Having a clear vision of your business goals, in this time we are in, is key when creating your online advertising stratagem. So many advances have been made in technology now to offer on point digital solutions to make a business run smoothly or even better than it does on the ground.
In reality most digital platforms need to be utilised with care and calculation, otherwise one can sink loads of resources and fail to get results, sales or any ROI. The internet is no longer just a social tool, but one that can be manipulated to grow your business as long as you do it in a way that suits YOUR business plan.
Business people just need to know how to identify a real solution versus fly-by- night bogus ‘ghost-busters’ trying to sell them quick-fix solutions and potions.
Do you need your own ‘fitted’ digital solution or strategy to blast Covid19 worries into the past?