
All posts by: Grace Mavindidze

About Grace Mavindidze

An experienced Journalist cum Digital Marketer who has worked in Media and Marketing in various Southern African countries for close to 15 years. An avid reader, she is passionate about fostering a reading and academic culture especially in young Africans. She enjoys travelling, meeting people from a broad cultural spectrum as well as engaging people in topics that are informative, entertaining and insightful. Grace is currently a Project Director and Creative Content Writer for CreativeMagic Group.

by in Brand/Digital Strategy 0 Comment

Banish the phantom of COVID19 with digital as your business strategy

For any business or individual, entering the world of digitally as a business strategy can at first be overwhelming. Especially now as we realize that the crisis that plagued the last year is not going away as quickly as we expected. As the year 2021 kicks into its stride, we’re at that point where we […]

by in Content Marketing 0 Comment

Reasons to prioritize Video Content Marketing in business strategy

A corporate video has quickly become what most people expect to see on any webpage in order to make purchase, so let’s talk more about why Video Content Marketing should be your priority in your business strategy. Since Covid-19 hit early this year, face-to-face interactions have not been allowed, and more than 80% of our […]

by in Seo 9 Comments

Why your customer ‘persona’ is key to effective Search Engine Marketing

If you were asked the question “who is your IDEAL customer” do you already know how to respond, and better still do you know why this is the answer to successful Search Engine Marketing, SEM? Before we get into how and why a customer persona fits in with your broader business marketing goals, let’s work […]

by in Brand/Digital Strategy 1 Comment

What Pay Per Click Service Advertising can do for your SALES

Now more than ever, it has become easier for businesses to get new customers faster, cheaper & more accurately, it’s just a matter of fitting tactical, digital techniques such as Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Services into your advertising strategy. All over the world, brands that are digitally switched on are catching on to these increasingly popular digital […]

by in Brand/Digital Strategy, Insights, Seo 6 Comments

The How’s and Why’s of having a more Mobile Responsive Website

Developing a company website is smart business in these digital times, but making sure the website is Mobile Responsive is even SMARTER! Some of the reasons WHY you need one may surprise you. Let’s start with the basics, if we were to make a daily log of how many times you check your mobile device […]

by in Brand/Digital Strategy, Content Marketing, Insights 2 Comments

Big Data knows BETTER-a content marketing strategy to save your business

The 2020-2030 decade has started off on a rather shaky note, with this new global COVID 19 pandemic leaving the world, businesses in particular, in murky waters and in need of a foolproof content marketing strategy to save them from closure. Lucky for us, this crisis could not have come at a better time. The […]

by in Chatbot, Insights 2 Comments

Transform how you chat with customers with a ‘bot’ developed just for you

“Human resources are the most valuable assets” Eleanor Roosevelt This famed quote from the well renowned female business icon and former US First Lady has been echoed by business people throughout time to reflect just how valuable employees are to a business. This is particularly true when it comes to customer service and care. As they […]

by in Insights 2 Comments

Look beyond COVID19 by staying positive & productive the I4R way

Over the course of just weeks, the entire world has awoken to the fact that we are way more connected than we think, albeit separated by physical geographic boundaries. The notion that the world is one big global village has never been more evident than it is now. In these first few months of 2020, […]

    CMG Marketing Communications (Pty) Limited t/a CreativeMagic Group is a Pan-African fully-integrated strategy and marketing communications agency providing world-class solutions to clients across the continent of Africa. We help companies solve marketing and sales problems; develop greater value in brands; communicate the complex, simply.


    South Africa:
    Daisy Street Office Park, 135 Daisy Street, Sandown, Sandton, Johannesburg, South Africa.

    United States:
    6736 Hwy 6 S, Houston Tx, 77083, United States.

    12 Cornell Road NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.


    +27.[0]10.590.6264, +27.[0]719.130.776

